Corpfin Capital


CCI News & Announcements

Corpfin Provides Guidance for Protecting Your Assets Value During COVID-19

COVID-19 is an unprecedented global pandemic and we are here to help you

As an Asset Manager and Co-Investor, Corpfin Capital would like to share some key points to help you through this challenge.

  1. Communication – It is vitally important to communicate to all Owners/Investors/Clients all actions being implemented on an ongoing basis and provide a Plan of Action to address concerns about the challenges at hand.

  2. Cashflow – Revising cashflows to reflect a realistic scenario in light of COVID. This will allow for a better understanding of cashflow needs and put a plan in place to “bridge the gap”. Communication needs to be immediate to ensure that everyone involved is prepared should there be the potential for capital calls.

  3. Financing – Communication with lenders. It is important to find out what their policies/ requirements are for loan deferrals, interest relief, and defaults. Find out what the application process is and how long it will take. Connect with tenants and service providers to ensure they have researched financing alternatives and are on a path to be ready and able to open or adjust their business services until the COVID virus is considered under control by government agencies.

  4. Asset Management – Work with Property Managers to ensure processes are in place to manage tenant requests for rent deferrals and any government assistance available. Understand the strategies your Property Manager and Leasing Advisor have in place to support your tenants and maintain rental streams in the short and long term.

  5. Know your partners - At this critical stage of COVID it is important to ensure your copartners in the investment are also transparent and able to ensure a game plan regarding COVID and its effect and solutions and have total buy in as this is a very fluid time.

Corpfin Capital asset management services are available across Canada to share their expertise and implement a COVID plan of action for your investment properties. We will do an assessment of your deliverables regarding COVID in a succinct and understandable format unique to your investment properties. For additional information, please contact Julie Nixon. EVP of Business Development at 416-671-1185 or email at Feel free to visit our website for further information about our company at We look forward to being of assistance to you.

Hannah Whittingham